Free Domain Age Checker tool

With a domain age checker, you can easily calculate the accurate age of a domain or any website. It will show the registration time and it will also mention the activation duration. It can help you analyze your competitors.

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What is domain age?

password strength checker is quite important to get protected from any kind of brute-force attacks. Now, the internet has become an integral part of every kind of industry. It holds all the important information of users and leaking the information can create many problems. All these can be prevented by a password. For that reason, a password strength testing tool is necessary. Fraudsters try to crack the password to access to user’s information. With the help of the password strength checking tool from the Small SEO Tool, one will get to know how many attempts or how much time it will take to crack the password. A strong password can be immensely helpful to get protected from any kind of attack on the internet.

Domain age checker by Small SEO Tool:

The tool domain name age checker is immensely helpful to know about the actual age of a domain. With the help of this company and this particular tool, one would get the chance to know about the actual time of the domain's existence. Therefore, with this tool, one would get an idea of a business and its name, which will help to select a new domain name for the business. This company is offering various other assistances regarding the domain. That are-

  • a.Last domain name update.
  • b.Expire date of the domain.
  • c.The IP address of the particular domain.
  • d.Registration date of the domain.
  • e.Way backlink for the domain search history.
  • f.Servers of names attached to the name.
How to use the domain age checker?

Using this free domain age checker doesn’t require any difficult steps. The process of checking is very much easy and can be used by all. Here are the steps for using the age checker-

Step 1:

Go to the page to check the domain age

Step 2:

Go to the page to check the domain age

Step 3:

After inputting the name there would be an option of ‘Check Domain Age’. By clicking on this option the detailed description of the domain age will show. From this simple initiative, one would get the chance to find out a domain age in a much easier manner.

What is the need for using a domain age checker?

This website age checker can be very helpful in gathering information about a business and its domain. There can be various reasons for checking domain age. Here are the basic reasons for using the tool-

  • 1.To know the age of the existing domain.
  • 2.To find out the competitors’ domain names and their age.
  • 3.Find out the age of the domain of your own.

Apart from these, there are various other reasons for checking a domain age. The domain age is immensely important while growing a business. By checking the domain age, one can know about-

  • i.Find out the correct age of the competitor domains.
  • ii.The domain age of the name one would like to buy.

Other than that, there are many other reasons for finding out the domain age. Here are the major reasons for checking domain age-

Get an idea of the domain in the SEO:

The name of the domain has a deep impact on search engine optimization. If one wants to get an idea of the names that can provide better exposure on the search engine, then this particular initiative can be very helpful. This particular initiative can provide many other options and also save a lot of time.

Find out the amount of traffic:

Every company requires a certain amount of traffic to reach out to the target audiences. If an existing company has been there for years and succeeding in the industry, then it would be a brilliant source of attaining ideas.

Domain name reputation:

The name of the domain has a deep impact on search engine optimization. If one wants to get an idea of the names that can provide better exposure on the search engine, then this particular initiative can be very helpful. This particular initiative can provide many other options and also save a lot of time. With the help of a domain age checker, one would get the chance to know which kind of name would be suitable for gaining a reputation. As a beginner in the industry, this can be immensely helpful.

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