Free Word Count Online Tool

Word Counter is a simple and effective online tool that helps to find the number of words and characters in content. It helps to create the ideal length of content that is more readable and attractive.


Read Time

  • Total Words
  • Total Characters(with space)
  • Total Characters(without space)
  • Estimated Reading Time
  • Estimated Speaking Time
Short Words
Long Words
Longest Sentence (by number of characters)
Longest Word(s) (by number of characters)
The Importance of word counter online is on The Increase!

Since the internet was introduced and society collectively started to use social media, the importance of written posts has increased. Now whether you are a writer dealing with social media platforms or just a regular user of the internet, word count is all around. You might not see it, and you might not feel it, but the boundaries that word count has created for us on social media platforms are something that determines the length of our posts.

The control of word counts is everywhere, from social media character limits to lengthy corporate documents. Whenever you are writing words or any content, word counts decide how long or how short the content will be, whether you are or are not aware of it.

Let’s see some common word count check practices online-

Previously Twitter, the online micro-blogging platform used to have a character limit of 140 characters which is now increased to 280.

Did you know Instagram has a 30-hashtag limit? There is also a limit on Instagram captions as well as 2,200 characters. When it comes to a sponsored post, the character limit is decreased to just 125 characters.

For a blog to get its rank on the first page of Google, it must be over 180 words.

Why Should You Use a Free word count Tool?

If you are still debating about whether to use the free word count tool or not, first try the manual paragraph counter or the character counter in your content and you will see how complex that can be! Besides that process is one of the most complex things, and it also takes up a lot of time. To mitigate this issue and use our word counter online.

What Is Our Online Word Counter?

This is a tool that we have developed to help you calculate characters and words in your content. The tool is built and developed to deliver accurate results and will tell you how short or long your text is. You can use this tool as a sentence counter or even a paragraph counter to keep your text ideal for social media or even big corporate projects. With intense research and developed technology, we have built this sophisticated textual analyzer so that you can trust us blindly with your content-related projects.

How Does Our Online Word Count Checker Work?

Our free online word count checker tool is not only a sophisticated content analyzer but also easy to use. This is a straightforward interface that is built in a user-friendly way. All you have to do is copy your text and paste it into the box that is provided on the website. The tool will automatically scan the text and show you the word count results. In no time you will have the number of character count in word.

Why Is Our Word Count Tool Different Than Others?

We respect your privacy. Where it is common for websites to keep a track of the content you put there but this is not the case for us.

The tool will show you “Top Word Density”.

The tool will show you the total word count, characters with space, characters without space, and the total word count in a paragraph.

It will show you the number of short and long words and sentences as well.

You will get all these statistics for free.

We ensure that your content is 100% safe and that only you can access the content.

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