Password Strength Checker

Characters Containing:
Uppercase Letters
Lowercase Letters
1. Password Strength Checker by Small SEO Tool:

password strength checker is quite important to get protected from any kind of brute-force attacks. Now, the internet has become an integral part of every kind of industry. It holds all the important information of users and leaking the information can create many problems. All these can be prevented by a password. For that reason, a password strength testing tool is necessary. Fraudsters try to crack the password to access to user’s information. With the help of the password strength checking tool from the Small SEO Tool, one will get to know how many attempts or how much time it will take to crack the password. A strong password can be immensely helpful to get protected from any kind of attack on the internet.

2. How to use a password strength checker?

Using the password-checking tool is quite hassle-free for everyone. the only thing one needs to do is put the password in the text box and analyze. Right after that, the tool will analyze the password and show the result instantly. The password strength meter will show if the password is strong or not. If the password is not strong enough, then it will also provide suggestions that will make the process easier for everyone. the immediate analysis will help one to get protected from any kind of cyber- attacks.

3. Why using a password-strength checker tool is important?

Now internet security has become quite important. People have several accounts on different platforms. Thus, there is data everywhere on the internet. That is why, as a user of the internet, protecting the data is quite important. When it comes to protecting data, password is the main thing. A password will be only effective when it is verified by the best password strength checker. With the help of this tool, one will get the knowledge of what kind of tool will help protect data. This tool is the only useful way of protecting an account and its details. Therefore, it can be really assisting for everyone.

A password strength calculator has the potential to suggest ways how to strengthen the password even more accurately. This tool checks the password for two particular techniques for password cracking. One is brute-force and another is dictionary attack. These are two common ways of cracking a user’s password. Apart from these, it also does analyze the syntax of the password. It helps to analyze that which password is weak. Therefore, it makes the whole process much easier for all the internet users.

4. What are the qualities of a good password?

While creating a password, people generally do not put in any kind of effort or use a strong password checker. It is seen that sometimes people just randomly put anything that comes to their mind. And apart from that, some of them use some numerical to make it different. But no one pays any kind of attention in thinking, about what makes a password strong. And for that reason, hackers easily crack the passwords and get all the data. That is why, while creating a password, one must remember a few things. Those are-

  • Use a sufficient number of characters
  • The password should include an uppercase or lowercase, symbols, and numbers
  • It shouldn’t have a name or date, which can be easily guessed
  • Go for some random things
  • It shouldn’t be found on Google when a few characters are typed

These are a few suggestions when it comes to creating a password. With the help of these suggestions and using this password-checking tool, one will be able to create a strong password for their account.

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