XML Sitemap Checker

The Sitemap Validator tool is used for processing XML or HTML files to ensure that there are no errors contained in any of these files. With this tool, you can sort out any 404 errors for a website and the sitemap is formatted accurately.

As a website owner and webmaster, you would want your websites to rank at the top of Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). For this to happen, search engines like Google, Big, etc. frequently need to "crawl" the website. They regularly do this to provide their users with the most updated content for their search. To get the website crawled properly every time, and more frequently than before, there is a structure you can use, which is called a Sitemap. To generate premium quality and free sitemap, you can use our fast and free xml sitemap checker.

What is an XML Sitemap?

XML which stands for Extensible Markup Language is a standard machine-readable format that is consumable by search engines along with other data-munching programs like the feed readers. To put it simply, the Sitemap XML is a document that helps Google and other search engines understand your website better while crawling it for SERPs. Use our website sitemap checker as it primarily lists the ULRs or pages of a website in a structured manner that allows you to include other details about each URL.

  • a.When was the web page last updated
  • b.How regularly it changes.
  • c.How it relates to other URLs.
  • d.How important it is to the overall website, etc.

Our xml sitemap validator lets you generate Sitemaps easily, and in a faster way, for free.

Why are XML Sitemaps so important?

An XML Sitemap lists web pages accordingly along with providing additional details about those pages. This helps Search Engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Yandex, etc. to crawl the website more logically. An XML Sitemap works as a roadmap for search engines and leads them to all your important runners. XML and especially, an xml sitemap tester become extremely important when -

  • Your website is not well-linked, or easily structured.
  • The website is large and has a lot of archived content which might not be well-linked.
  • Your site is quite new and does not carry important external links.
  • The website was created averagely but now you care about it indexing right by the search engines.
  • The website was created averagely but now you care about it indexing right by the search engines.

XML Sitemaps are also extremely important for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) because they allow search engines to easily find important pages on your website. This happens even if your internal linking isn't quite good. This creates even more importance as search engines index and then rank specific web pages, not the entire websites. Take Sitemaps as a blueprint of your website which Google uses to find the web pages easily and quickly. So by using our check sitemap validator, you are helping it crawl your website swiftly and more often.

Why use Sitemap Generator by Small SEO Tool Online?

This seo sitemap checker is a free, and premium-quality tool that is carefully developed by Small SEO Tool Online. This is specially crafted to help you easily create functional XML Sitemaps for your website and solidify the SEO conditions that are necessary for the quality ranking of SERPs. Our Sitemap generator is extremely variable, as it supports major search engines like Google, Yahoo!, Bing, etc., and on top of that, it also works for the website irrespective of whether you are using any website builder like WordPress.

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